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Kind Women for Womenkind

Kind Women for Womenkind

Here at H&H we value women. We know that when women support women, great change occurs. We are continually amazed at what women can do for each other and our community.

This year for International Women's Day we are excited to announce our partnership with the YWCA of Utah for our annual International Women’s Day T-shirt celebration. All profits from these shirts (sold online, in store and in airport locations from March 8-31) will be donated to the YWCA, specifically to their Race Equity programs. 

H&H and the YWCA strive daily to create a safe place to build women up through kindness. When we feel safe, we can thrive right? The YWCA’s Race Equity programs help those in our community who experience racial and other inequities find support, mentorship, and sense of place.
When interviewed recently, Liz Owens a fearless leader in the realms of human rights and social justice as well as YWCA Utah CEO said: “I am feeling passionate about continuing to show up with kindness and grace in the midst of unprecedented challenges and extraordinary times. I am feeling passionate about nurturing and tending to relationships and holding space for me and for you and all the very big things we are all going through right now.”

We feel the same Liz!!!!


So, here’s our ask to our community of incredibly kind women and men…BUY A SHIRT to support our race and gender equity initiatives that we feel so passionately for this International Women’s Day!

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