If you haven’t been to our flagship location in a bit, you should make the trip!!! New sights, new art, and new displays are in every nook of our little turquoise house turned shop. We’ve spent a lot of time this year pulling our company back together and getting back to some basics. But with all the return to “normal” we wanted to move forward too. And to us that meant pushing some new branding and putting out more publicly our beliefs as a professional group of women.
First and most importantly, you can’t miss our new mural. Waking up every morning to the sun is Queen Ursa and her little cubs. Ursa was a big goal we set this year to accomplish. We didn’t know it was going to be Ursa, but we were set on adding some color to our building. And more than just color and culture we really wanted our message as a company to be present and at the heart of our mural. We had four words that had to be artistically seen in our mural: Feminism, Inclusion, Color and Community. Over everything else, as a company, this is what we hope our clients, our friends, our family and our community understand from H&H.